*Release date has been revised from Aug 10th to Aug 8th instead*
[Updated 8/7/13]
1 New Image
[Updated 7/25/13]

1995年、バンダイが進化させてきた“プラモデルを可動させる技術”と、ユーザーやクリエイターがアップデートしてきた“メカニックとしてのモビルスーツのリアリティ”の融合によって立体化された「RX-78-2 ガンダム」を第一弾としてMGはスタートした。
以降、Ver.1.5、Ver.Ka、Ver.ONE YEAR WAR 0079、Ver.2.0と、RX-78-2 ガンダムはその時々の技術の集大成としてMGの進化を支えてきた。
このひとつの到達点と、数年にわたるトライアルを未来へとつなぎ、さらにMGを進化させていくには、現在の集大成としてRX-78-2 ガンダムを新たにMGとしてキット化することが必要不可欠な段階に到達したのである。
2013年、MGの新たなる未来に向けて、最新のガンダムのデザインを完全再現しただけではなく、新たな可動解釈を加えた「可動表現まで作りこまれたスケールモデル」として、想像を超えたレベルでリアリティを感じられるキットを目指し、MG RX-78-2 ガンダムVer.3.0が始動する。
(Translation courtesy of alcoholfueled-vii who was kind enough to leave this in the comments. Thanks a lot!)
In 1995, along with Bandai's revolutionizing plastic model technology to allow for fully poseable models and consumer's and creator's re-visioning of mobile suits as machines that could exist in the real world, Bandai took this concept and released a 3D model of the RX-78-2 to launch its MG line.
Since then, RX-78-2 Gundam has been released as Ver 1.5, Ver. Ka, Ver. OYW 0079 and Ver. 2 to mark the technological advancements of the time.
In December 2012, Nu Gundam Ver. Ka was released, showing the evolution of MG technology since "Ver 2.0". The detailed split armor parts and sliding gimmicks showed off the new technology and potential of Gunpla.
Upon reaching this landmark, and as a testament to the trials in the past few years for bridging into the future, in order to further evolve MG technology, we have now reached a point where we believe it is necessary to release a new MG RX-78-2 Gundam kit to consolidate all these advancements.
In looking forward to the future of MG, not only do we look at reproducing the newest Gundam designs, but we also include new interpretations of articulation and poseability for a "scale model produced for articulation" so that we can achieve a level of reality beyond our imaginations. This starts with MG RX-78-2 Gundam Ver 3.0.
Combining an "amazing level of articulation" and "ultimate moving external armor", we will incorporate a "moveable armor system" that surpasses the articulation of the previous Ver 2.0 model. This system will include a feature of allowing armor parts to move along with the inner frame. We have focused on improving the main obstacles to movement in previous models i.e. the shoulder armor etc..., which will now have additional articulation to improve movement greatly.
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